Dedicated to you

Pastoral Care


Support and guidance every step of the way

Travelling to the UK to study should be exciting, but it can be daunting too. Getting settled in a new country with different customs, language, food and currency is a challenge. Let's not forget the traffic! Pastoral care and support for students is embedded in the ethos of the school.

Before you arrive

  • You will receive details information (Before you arrive), however, if you have further questions we can arrange a virtual call. 
  • In our Student Services you receive advice on things to look out for before your travel, visa, accommodation and cultural programme
  • We aim to take away any nerves you have before you travel.

Pastoral care

  • Our ‘Pastoral care’ offers advice and support for the students.
  • When you arrive you will be greeted with a warm welcome, we will discuss your goals and give you English language support throughout your studies. 
  • If you booked with us homestay accommodation, you have the exciting opportunity to immerse yourself in British culture. 
  • We can give you academic advice and advice on language testing exams, e.g. FCE (B2), CAE (C1) or IELTS. 



Before You arrive

You will receive a detailed email about your upcoming course. Please read it carefully.

This email will contain information:

  • About your course
  • Your journey to the school and travel information
  • Information on your accommodation (if supplied by Lexis)
  • Several attachments, like the international handbook, accommodation handbook and homestay profile or accommodation fact sheet, parental forms, if you are under 18 etc..
  • Useful links to watch before you arrive. 

During your course

All classes aim to help you improve your communication skills. You will practise grammar and vocabulary. The lessons are well organised and balance daily all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing.

If you have any academic questions talk to your teacher to make an appointment to speak to our Director of Studies



One aspect of going abroad to study is the matter of accommodation. You may have an idea but you are not sure of the options available. The criteria is that it is safe, comfortable and not too far away. 

We can help you decide by explaining the various options:

  • Homestay is where you stay in the home of a family or single host, you are provided with a room, meals and communal facilities. Homestays can provide you with a support structure. You can ask questions about how life works in the UK and it helps you get oriented.
  • Student residence, offers you the opportunity to socialise with other students and make friends closer to your age. 
  • Shared Houses are a great way to have structure and comfort of a house but have flexibility and control over your day. This option is available for students 18+

Please ensure you read the accommodation handbook or any other accommodation-related literature given to you before you arrive.

If there are any problems with your accommodation, speak to the accommodation manager.



Don't sit on a problem! Talk to someone!

Your well-being is important, so if you are homesick, have any questions about the area or London itself or just want to have a chat, please come and talk to us.

At Lexis School of English, we have two welfare officers and most days they are both on-site. If you need to have a longer talk, don't hesitate to make an appointment to talk to either of them.


Under 18s

This may be your first time away from home and although you thought you'd be fine, you suddenly realise that you are very far away. 

If you feel lost come and talk to us. 

If you have any concerns about the behaviour of a staff member, a student or any other adult you are in contact with, please speak with the Welfare Officer. You will not get into trouble for doing so and your concern will remain confidential.
If you feel uncomfortable with the way someone is treating you, please come and talk to the Welfare Officer.

Don't worry if you find it difficult to express yourself in English. We will listen quietly and patiently to everything you say. If you would like, you can bring a friend to help you or we can ask someone to translate for you. We will help and support you to try to resolve the situation.

Before your arrival, you and your parents will receive a handbook with information related to young people travelling without their parents. Make sure to read it together.

For parents of under 18s

Dear parent, we understand it can be daunting to let your child out of your sight. We are here to answer your questions.

Please help us to support your child by providing us with any information necessary for your child's well-being. We will send you guidelines for students under 18, as well as guidelines for parents. 

Let us know if there are any allergies, health conditions educational needs or any dietary requirements, and please sign the parental consent form. 

Things you can do for your Well-being

Students on longer courses can find life away from home challenging after a while. 

Talking helps - when you are feeling low it is easy to isolate yourself. Talking about your feelings with your friends, family, and teachers can boost positive feelings.

Exercise - it is proven that regular exercise can reduce stress and boost your self-esteem. It also improves concentration and sleep.

Sleep well - try and sleep at lest 6 -9 hours. Sleep is essential for physical and mental health. It improves memory and concentration.

Be yourself - don't compare yourself to others, especially to to people you see in social media

Be kind to yourself - use self-affirmations like “I am enough”, “ deserve to be happy”, “ I am beautiful”, “I am worthy”. Say them out loud first thing in the morning.

Support others - Helping others can help you feel better about yourself. 

Eat well - Good nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet. It is essential for the body’s metabolism and your mental to function properly.

Find a hobby - break a monotonous routine. Find a passion and a hobby that allow you to find life outside of the daily routine.

Look inside - Turn off your phone and social media for a couple of hours a day and  just be. Focus on yourself, your thoughts, and your well-being. Go for a walk and enjoy some fresh air. London is the best place to do so. 





Lexis School of English