Dedicated to you

Code of Conduct for Students Under 18 years


Under UK law a child is anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. Lexis school of English has produced policies rules and guidelines aiming to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

At the School

  • You should attend every lesson. If you cannot attend because you are ill (or for another reason), please phone the school to tell us
  • For all students in the full summer programme, participation in all excursions and activities is compulsory
  • Mobile phones must be switched off during class time
  • Always be tolerant, friendly and respectful to teachers, group leaders, homestay hosts and other students
  • Lexis School of English (and the U.K. in general) welcomes people of all races, religions and backgrounds, and we expect all students to do the same
  • Treat people the way you want to be treated
  • Please do not play any ball games on the school premises: this is not allowed
  • Bullying, physical and verbal aggression, the use of bad language and any kind of anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated under any circumstances
  • If you have any problems go to your group leader or a member of staff
  • All Under 18s must sign every morning in reception
  • Do not leave your area untidy and throw away any rubbish in the bins provided
  • Food and drink may only be consumed in the break room or in the court yard but please tidy up after yourself
  • Students causing accidental or deliberate damage to buildings or equipment will be charged the repair or replacement cost in full
  • Do not run inside the school. Students must not push each other on the stairs or slide down banisters
  • Fire escapes, fire equipment and fire alarms are for emergency use only.  They must not be used at any other time.  It is illegal to set off fire alarms unnecessarily in the UK and strictly forbidden to misuse fire extinguishers.  Any incidents involving false alarms or interference with fire safety equipment will be taken very seriously and may lead to a heavy fine and the student(s) involved being sent home

At the Accommodation

  • Respect the rules of your homestay and always be on time for the evening meals
  • Try and make conversation, It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes
  • 16 -17 year olds: From Monday to Friday, you must return to your homestay by 22.00 and on Saturdays and Sundays by 22.00 (16 yr. olds) or 22.30 (17 yr. olds). If you are late, you must phone your homestay host to tell them where you are and when you will be home
  • The above curfew times are very important and you must obey them. If you return home late without informing your homestay host, we will give you a verbal warning and inform your group leader and parent / legal guardian. If you return home late a second time, you will be given a final, written warning which will also be sent to your group leader and parent / legal guardian. If you return home late a third time, your course will be terminated and you will be sent home
  • If you want to bring other students back to your homestay, please ask your homestay first
  • Always keep your room tidy

General Rules

  • Do not smoke, buy or drink alcohol or take any drugs or illegal substances. This is breaking the law and it’s very dangerous: you could have trouble with the police; your parents/legal guardians will be contacted immediately, and you will be sent home
  • Do not carry any weapons. This includes all toy guns or any BB guns. You can be arrested by the police and sent home
  • Any student caught stealing will be required to leave the programme immediately and the police will be informed. Further action by the police will be at their discretion.
  • Although the age of consent (the legal age to have sex) in the UK is 16 years old, students found indulging in sexual activity will be required to leave the course immediately
  • If a student leaves the school or homestay without permission, he / she will be sent home

How to Stay Safe

  • Make sure the school has your correct contact details in case we need to get hold of you
  • On your first day at school, you will get a Lexis ID card. Please keep this with you at all times: it has important contact numbers on it
  • Be careful when you are online (do not share personal information or photos with people you do not know)
  • 12-15 year olds should use the most direct route to travel to the school (walking or by bus) and should return home immediately after lessons or activities
  • 12-15 year olds may not leave the homestay in the evening under any circumstances unless they have a pre-arranged excursion with a group leader. This will normally be part of the social programme and all adults concerned will be aware of it
  • 16 -17 year olds: When going out in the evenings, try to go home in small groups rather than alone. Never go with a person you don’t know and who isn’t a teacher or leader at the school. Don’t use unlicensed cabs. Ask the school for suitable cab services and always make sure that your homestay knows where you are going
  • Always make sure that your phone is charged when going out and do not take important documents with you
  • Never get into a car with someone you don’t know, except with someone from your homestay
  • Remember: we drive on the left! When you cross roads, look right, then left and right again
  • If you have a problem, contact one of the leaders – the names and numbers are on the top of your ID card
  •  If you have an emergency, call the emergency number on your ID card.
  • If there is an emergency and you need an ambulance, the police or fire brigade, call 999 or 112. You should also call the Lexis emergency number
  • You do not need to carry your passport or identity cards in England: please leave them at home so you don't lose them! Always keep a copy of your travel documents.
  • There will be fire drills at the school. The teachers and activity leaders will show you where to go if a fire alarm rings. Please walk quickly but don’t run
  • Learn your homestay address by heart

It is important to Lexis School of English that you have an enjoyable time and the rules above are there to ensure your safety and welfare. If you do not comply with the above Code of Conduct, your parents/legal guardians will be contacted immediately, and you will be sent home.  

If a student is sent home for any reason no refund of fees will be made and all fines and all costs including airline tickets will be charged to the parents or agency of the student concerned.   

If you have any questions or require any support, you can speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or the Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Deputy SO).

Please sign to show that you have read and understood the above.

I agree with the aboveterms and conditions.

I have discussed the agreed arrangements and rules with my son/daughter.

Signature of the parent/guardian:


___________________________                        Date: ________________


I have discussed the agreed arrangements and rules with my parent/guardian.

Signature of the student:


___________________________                        Date: ________________


School Address and Contact Details

Lexis School of English

1st & 2nd Floors

69 Ballards Lane

Finchley Central


N3 1XT

Tel: +44 (0) 20 8346 9802

Emergency and out of hours Tel: Please call the number in your Student Handbook.







Lexis School of English